Qwear Fashion

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How Many? Trans Day of Remembrance

How many of our trans youth don’t live past adolescence? How many trans women have we lost due to violence? How many trans lives have we lost because their quality of life suffers so much that they cease to exist? We never truly know the answers to these questions because our society does not deem us worthy enough for the proper scientific and sociological studies and research programs that would help grassroots organizations track our demographic. Today remember that although you may see some of our loss in numbers, the true quantity is overwhelming. If you’re a trans ally, make another trans ally today and educate them on pronouns and the proper trans etiquette. If you’re trans, be your true self. That is the best way to honor those lost.

If you are a trans scientist or researcher who would like to be interviewed for Qwear Fashion, email us: info@qwearfashion.com