Qwear Fashion

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Queer Fashion Moments From the Boston Trans Resistance March and Festival

Today’s Trans Resistance March and Festival was as warm and welcoming as it was fashionable!

Trans Resistance was formed in June 2020 by Athena Vaughn, Chastity Bowick, and a collective of trans and queer activists in the Boston area who built upon years of contention with the Boston Pride board for being trans-exclusionary in their process, vision, and work and failing to equitably represent the magical TQBIPOC community in Boston. The March went from Cedar Square Park to Franklin Park Playstead, where a festival with performers, booths, and food trucks welcomed marchers.

Of course, the Boston T chose TODAY to make repairs on both the orange and green lines, so I arrived an hour late after the march had already left. Thanks to the trans flag sticking out of my backpack, another marcher saw me and helped me get there. We picked up 5 more lost queers along the way and cheered when we finally found the group after 20 minutes of walking. Very rude, MBTA.

The atmosphere was wonderfully warm and welcoming. Cold water was free and plentiful and people with disabilities were welcome. Multiple strangers offered me things like snacks, ice packs, and a handmade bracelet. We were pleasantly surprised at how many onlookers cheered us on and honked in solidarity. In fact, for as long as I was there I did not encounter any haters. I had far more fun today than I ever had at Boston Pride before it dissolved! And the fashion was too good to miss. Enjoy these photos I snapped!

Shout out to Mars Wright, the designer of this shirt!

Photography by Sonny Oram