Getting Ready For #QwearPride2021 in This Fine LA Apparel

I’ve been looking for some dope basics and fell in love with Los Angeles Apparel. Their clothes are sturdy and bright. Plus, they are sweatshop-free and have an impressive Green Initiative.

Sonny Oram Los Angeles Apparel Queer Style

A note from Rupi, Qwear’s stylist and director:

I paired these yellow pants with my custom 14K gold Airforce 1s because both pieces demand to be seen. But most of all, I thought it was pretty unique that this particular shade of yellow goes so well with gold. It’s often a hit or miss with yellow and gold and these pants just knocked it out of the park. I chose metal for the pieces in the background because I wanted to show the different types of metal jewelry these can be paired with.

And nothing needs to be said about the amazing curbside appeal of these front steps. It’s clear many good times had happened on them. I also wanted to highlight Sonny’s Jewish heritage through their payes and perhaps hint at a newfound gender appreciation in the haircut.

As we get ready for this year’s #QwearPride2021, I look at that toolbox as a metaphor for all the past prides our community has celebrated. The opening of the toolbox symbolizes the new panels we’ll have this year on justice reform. We’re delving into our past to make a better future for the queer community.

Sonny Oram Los Angeles Apparel Queer Style

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Sonny Oram

Sonny Oram founded Qwear in 2011: the world’s first online queer fashion incubator. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, The Boston Globe, Huffpost, and Buzzeed, among others. Sonny has been published in books including Beyonce in Formation and The Dangers of Fashion: Towards Ethical and Sustainable Solutions. In 2019, Sonny founded Qwear Media to help diversify advertising.

Outside of Qwear, Sonny works at MIT as a Communications Officer, where they use their expertise in creating online movements to curate MIT’s online presence.


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