Qwear Fashion

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Queer Style in the Time of Corona

From power clashing to pajama chic, queers around the world are not letting this pandemic damper their expression. Here are some of my favorite looks.

Cody Flaherty (@codyflaherty)

Femme power clashing in the time of Rona

Anthony Urbano (@oh_antonio)

One of Anthony Urbano’s fashion looks under quarantine — featuring a Biggie tea.

Charles Armstrong (@starsnlightning)

Alien invasion fashion.

Mojo Disco (@MojoDisco)

Qwear writer Mojo’s “sitting in my room” series: Covid Edition

Ryan Htut @kinghtut

A bold take on protective wear

Abe Blackburn (@ablackburnwears)

Queer Pandemic Wedding!

Molasses (@kingmolasses)

Now is the perfect time to play with make-up and get sexy in drag.

Mindy Dawn Friedman (@dappermindy)

Mindy pulled out her Ukulele while wearing Angie Chuang’s pants

Ileana Ortiz (@bowtiesandbigdreams)

Gay Easter Powerclashing Queerantine Edition!

A Klass (@Transnormativity)

Here’s to holding multiple identities at once that some people see as opposing.

Stray (@StyleWithStray)

Corona has not gotten in the way of Stray’s fashion plans.

Alysse Dalessandro (@readytostare)

When you snuggle in bed working on a laptop all day and look fresh the whole time.

Monica Mussungo @monicamussungo

Make up: @bissamorena
Photography: @vera_harly
Stylist: @Violettakoval

Making isolation look cool.

Fenix Rainbow (@adrithemyriad)

Amazing queer Corona statement make-up

Haley Presley (@haleypresleymiller)

Fresh out of the shower chic

Curtis Cassell (@curtismcassell)

At-home photoshoot and design by “Queera Wang” Curtis Cassell.